Sticker Shocker: US Universities Aren’t as Expensive as They Look

This post is a piece from the The Economist about the cost of attending American universities.  It pushes back against the conventional wisdom about the excessive cost burden that these institutions impose on students.  The spin is one I like, which is that universities have an incentive to appear more expensive than they really are.  … Continue reading Sticker Shocker: US Universities Aren’t as Expensive as They Look

Bruce Kimball and Sarah Iler — College Leaders as Cookie Monsters

This post is an essay by Bruce Kimball and Sarah Iler that was published recently in Inside Higher Ed. Here's a link to the original.  Drawing on their forthcoming book -- Wealth, Cost, and Price in American Higher Education -- they argue that leaders of elite universities are engaged in an endless pursuit of financial resources, … Continue reading Bruce Kimball and Sarah Iler — College Leaders as Cookie Monsters